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Craftovator Academy

How to Package Your Wax Melts - 4 Creative Ideas You'll Want to Try!

by Kimberly Duran 25 Jan 2023 4 Comments

An important aspect of any business is visual marketing - the look of the products you’re selling. If the overall look of your products are professional and eye-catching, people are more likely to be drawn to them and in turn they’ll be more inclined to buy from you. If you’re looking for ideas on how to package your wax melts for that professional finish, we’ve got some great ideas in our post today.

Your wax melt packaging can make a great first impression, get your brand out there, tie into your businesses identity and make your brand stand out from the rest. Most wax melt packaging is inexpensive yet highly effective while other styles may be slight more expensive for a luxury finish. Deciding on the right packaging for your brand and your target market can be time but understanding what options are available will certainly help you make the right choice.

Do I need to package my wax melts?

In short, yes. Wax melts need to be housed in some form of packaging. Packaging not only provides that all important safety aspect against them being opened by children or potentially being eaten by pets, but will help to lock in that all important fragrance! Wax melts left out of the packaging can over time discolour, lose scent, become dusty and if left near heat sources, can melt, potentially damaging surfaces or getting stuck in harder to clean areas.

If you’re giving your wax melts as a gift or your customers are purchasing to gift themselves, then they’ll want something that can be simply popped into a gift bag or wrapped alongside other gifts so there’s no faffing around finding any specific packaging to put them in first.

If you intend to set up a stall at fayres or markets, you’ll need to package your products accordingly to keep them clean, dry and sellable. The last thing you want is contamination from fayre goers handling your wax melts, which in turn will make you lose stock (and money!).

How To Decide on Your Wax Melt Packaging

There are many different ways you can package your wax melts along with many different materials. It can certainly take some time (and cost!) to eventually find the right packaging for you and your hobby/business.

Depending on your branding, you may want to go for a cost-effective, minimalist look to show off your wax melts or you might opt for something more eye catching and high-end with more luxurious packaging.

Remember, when considering costing, you'll want to take these into account so the more expensive your packaging at a cost level, the higher your pricing will be for your buyer. Think about what will appeal to your own target market and how much you want to invest up front to help you make that decision.

We've put together a few cost-effective and simple ways you can package your wax melts as well as a slightly more expensive but luxury option to get those creative juices flowing!

Using Clamshells to Package your Wax Melts

Clamshells are probably the most popular, sought-after option when it comes to packaging your wax melts. They’re fairly cheap when purchased in bulk and really easy to use with minimal fuss or mess: simply make up your wax melt mixture, pour into the clamshell, allow to set, close, label and done!

When you want to use the wax melts, break a chunk whilst the clamshell is closed and then you can easily push this out and into your burner once opened. The only thing you have to be wary of when pouring wax into clamshells is pouring it at a much lower temperature than you would usually do in moulds. Pouring too hot can cause the clamshells to warp, melt or leak.

With a huge variety of clamshells available nowadays however, deciding what sort of style to go for can prove to be quite the challenge. From round deli pots to rectangular bar styles, star and heart shaped cavity to seasonal-themed clamshells, you’re truly spoilt for choice.

The only downside to using clamshells is that some of the styles out there are single use plastic. Whilst still being recyclable, the majority ends up at landfill. There are more eco-friendly options available, however, which are those made from rPET. We have a wide selection of clamshells available from Craftovator made from rPET which means it contains 86% recycled plastic. Thankfully, these can again be recycled to form more clamshells or other types of plastic products in the future.

Using Glassine Bags to Package your Wax Melts

Glassine bags are becoming quite popular as many wax melt makers are moving away from plastic in a bid to be more eco-friendly. Glassine bags are a cheaper packaging option when purchased in bulk – literally pence each - and are suited more for packaging wax melts that are poured into silicone moulds – either snap bar types or smaller individual shapes such as hearts. They also come in lots of different sizes so you can choose which fits your specific wax melt creations best.

Made from wood pulp, glassine bags are essentially paper. They’re fully compostable, biodegradable and recyclable with your household waste. These can be a great alternative to plastic with responsible disposal methods and manufactured from a renewable source.

The downside to using glassine bags is that given it’s a paper material, there’s a frosted appearance so you only see a slight glimpse of the wax melts inside. It’s also worth noting that if you leave your wax melts near a heat source, the wax may melt slightly and soak into the material of the bag leaving a slight greasy residue that can be noticed as an oil-like mark.

Using Biodegradable Cellophane Bags to Package your Wax Melts

Biodegradable cellophane bags are also a very popular choice amongst wax melt makers. Again, a fairly cheaper option when bought in bulk and great for packaging wax melts that are poured into silicone moulds such as slabs, bars and individual shapes or for making bags of wax drops or sizzling salts. With lots of different sizes to pick from too, you can decide what size you’d need for each specific wax melt make.

Cellophane bags are usually derived from natural sources such as wood, cotton or hemp. They can also be made using PLA (polylactic acid), which is produced from fermented plant starch. These clear bags allow your products to be seen clearly, highlighting any stand out effects with ease.

One downside to using cellophane bags is that they can’t be recycled. However, they are fully compostable at home or sent to landfill with regular household waste to biodegrade so you may want to include a sticker or similar on the outside of the packaging to inform your customers.

Similar to glassine bags, if your wax melts aren’t fully set or are made from a much softer wax, this can leave a mark on the inside of the bag as you’re sliding the wax melts in.

Using Sectional or Divided Boxes to Package your Wax Melts

Boxes with sections/dividers inside are a great way to show off your individual wax melts creations. They also add class and a more expensive feel and look to your products. Whether you opt for a box with 4 or 8 sections inside, your products will be even more eye-catching when paired with the right branding labels. You can customise your boxes by colour, shape, size and even style. Go for a plain lid or a lid with a window, the choice is yours. Oftentimes, they are similar or the same boxes used by chocolate makers.

Divided boxes are also a great gift packaging idea. They offer a gift already partially (or fully) wrapped depending if you’re going all out and adding ribbons/bows etc to complete the look. The majority of these boxes are fully recyclable as they’re solely made from cardboard/very thick paper stock however, if coated for colouring, you’ll need to check if they can be recycled. Some boxes have a plastic tray insert and no lid, with end openings.

The downside to using section/divided boxes is that you’re limited to what size your wax melts can be and also the cost to buy these is generally higher. Purchased in bulk, this cost will come down slightly but be prepared to pay for the right boxes for your brand and remember to adjust your costs accordingly to accommodate this.

There are, of course, many other options available for packaging your wax melts such as food grade resealable kraft pouches, pillow boxes and acid free tissue paper, but we do hope that the ideas put before you today will help you decide on the perfect packaging look for your products and brand. If you’re not sure which would look best, buy a few samples of different packaging to see how your products look.

Be sure to check out our full range of wax melt making supplies, from wax melt waxes to clamshells, fragrance oils and much, much more.

Looking to sell your wax melt creations? Check out our Legal Requirements for Selling and Ultimate Guide to Selling your wax melts.

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16 Jul 2023 Olivia Hull

I hate plastic so have always opted for the recyclable option. I use cardboard boxes with dividers for assortments and small cardboard boxes (postbox size)with tissue and glassine paper for boxes of 9 or 16 melts of the same fragrance. I also use biodegradable plant based bags that look like plastic for my melt bars . It’s slightly more expensive and time consuming than the plastic packs but I feel a whole lot happier not adding to the plastic waste issue:-)

01 Feb 2023 Hayley

Maybe looking at supplying reasonable priced by packaging for our melts, and some tutorials on ideas packing gift boxes and hampers x

01 Feb 2023 Helen Brown

It would also help if your products were labelled with how to recycle them or dispose of them, also I agree that you may need to look at stocking boxes and paper style bags along with candle toppers, please 🙏

31 Jan 2023 Lisa Givens-Rolfe

It would be so good if you could stock boxes or glassine bags to package wax melts. Eco friendly packaging is so much easier to sell!

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